
I am cognizant that my innate characteristics and family to which I was born have privileged me with many opportunities that others lack. Working alongside and learning from colleagues with backgrounds unlike my own continues to provide me with invaluable insights into how I can empower others to change the world.

One way I am committed to making lasting change is to lower the perceived barrier of entry to STEM careers for younger students. Our global community has incredibly tough challenges ahead of us, and I am dedicated to reducing barriers inhibiting underrepresented minority groups from full participation in helping to solve those challenges.

Graduate Mentorship

I don't know much, but what I do know I try to help others learn. During my graduate career, I mentored nine separate undergraduate and junior graduate students for term-long projects.

Stanford Science Bus

Stanford Science Bus provides interactive science demonstrations for students at a local elementary school. For three years, I recruited volunteers, applied for and approved funding.

Utah Underwater Robotics

For three years, I was the volunteer director for a robotics-focused outreach program in Utah Valley. I recruited, trained, and organized volunteers that helped middle school students build a simple underwater robot to compete in an annual competition.